Salvatore Amodio

Salvatore Amodio

About Me

I’m a Software Engineer at Teoresi Group, and I’m passionate about traveling and discovering new places, always seeking inspiration from different cultures and landscapes.

In my free time, I love engaging in sports, enjoying the adrenaline they bring and the physical and mental well-being they provide. I’m also an avid motorcycle enthusiast, embracing the freedom that comes with riding.

Based in Naples, Italy.

Work Experience

Software Engineer - Teoresi SpA

Naples, Italy | January 2024 – Present

I am currently working as a Software Engineer at Teoresi SpA, where I have had the chance to contribute to exciting and innovative projects.

One of my main responsibilities has been developing the back-end for a resource management tool. This system provides real-time visualization of weekly workload distribution across multiple projects, allowing users to monitor commitment hours efficiently. By optimizing SQL queries and back-end logic, I ensured HTTP response times remained under 2 seconds, even with large datasets.

Additionally, I have been part of a project focusing on the evaluation of autonomous driving algorithms for Stellantis. My work has involved supporting workflows that ensure regression-free improvements, even with changes in sensors and test sessions. This experience has deepened my understanding of scalable solutions and technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.

Academic and Personal Projects

VIS-to-NIR Iris Image Transcoding Model

Python, TensorFlow | April 2023 – February 2024

As part of my master's thesis, I developed a deep learning model to translate iris images from VIS to NIR using pix2pix and U-Net architectures. This project enhanced segmentation and feature extraction, increasing recognition accuracy by 71%. It was a challenging yet rewarding experience that combined research with practical implementation.

Breast Cancer Detection Using ULDP

MATLAB | September 2022 – January 2023

I implemented the UDPR descriptor from scratch to analyze breast tissue in mammograms. This was integrated into a CAD system capable of classifying masses and healthy tissues effectively. The project provided valuable insight into medical imaging and computer vision.

Autonomous Driving Agent with Reinforcement Learning

C#, Unity | May 2022 – September 2022

I developed an autonomous agent leveraging reinforcement learning algorithms (PPO and SAC) to navigate a race track. By integrating raycasting sensors, the agent could avoid collisions and detect checkpoints autonomously.


Through these experiences, I have cultivated a passion for innovation and problem-solving. Each project, whether professional or personal, has taught me valuable lessons, from writing efficient code to overcoming complex challenges. I firmly believe that technology can make a difference, and I enjoy pushing myself to create solutions with real-world impact.